Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
John Marin, City Construction , Watercolor and charcoal on paper, 35 x 30 inches, 1932, Buffalo AKG Art Museum , New York
Tags: JohnMarin , CityConstruction , watercolor , charcoal , worksonpaper , BuffaloAKGArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , militarycadets , marching , Moscow , militaryuniforms , childreninRussia , indoctrinatedthroughlessons , extracurricularactivities , bluewhite , sailors , militarythemes , DesireBehindPutin'sWar , WiderConflictWithWest , AppealtoHistoryandNationalism , RousesManyFrightensSome , Ukrainewar , MoreBridgesHit , Ukrainegrownbolder , attackingships , firingdronesatMoscow , RobertF.KennedyJr. , JackSchlossberg , socialmedia , Kennedyfamily , Kennedy'sBidForPresidencyJoltsCamelot , TooManyPolice? , UneasyAllianceinAustin , TexasTroopersBolsterShorthandedForce , RiftEmerges , womenssoccer , grassfield , womeninsports , UnitedStatesteamlosttoSweden , failingtoreachsemifinals , U.S.ReignatWorldCupEnds'byaMillimeter' , soccerlegacy , MeganRapinoe , leavesamarkbeyondthefield , TrashTalkAcrosstheHudson , CongestionPricingFight , Pro-ClimateGovernorSupportsDrivers , NewJersey , GovernorPhilipD.Murphy , LincolnTunnel , aerialview , connectingNewYorkandNewJersey , morningshowers , thunderstorms
herman de vries, The Face of War—Silent , Colored pencil on paper, 48.9 x 68.6 centimeters, 2003, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: hermandevries , TheFaceofWar--Silent , text , worksonpaper , coloredpencil , drawing , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , handwriting , dirtroad , greenery , landscape , body , militaryuniform , militarydesertboots , Russiansoldier'sremains , Staromaiorske , villagerecapturedbyUkrainiantroops , ZaporizhzhiaRegion , Ukrainewar , GrindingCounteroffensive , HandsUkraineaFlashofSuccess , F.B.I.FinancedUseofSpyTool , OutlawedbyU.S. , HuntingDownCulprit , AgencyNabsItself , RivaNetworks , Landmark , TrumpFarAheadInG.O.P.Race , DespiteCharges , 1stTimes/SienaPoll , GovernorRonDeSantis , FailstoMakeDentinNearlyEveryCategory , DonaldJ.Trump , haslargeedgeinalmosteveryregion , pointingfinger , portraiture , ExtremeHeatIsCostlyDrainOnProductivity , EncinitasCalifornia , Rentinge-bikes , concerngrowingaboutsafety , especiallyforminors , Teenagers'AccidentsExposeRisksofE-Bikes , BoomingTechnology , OutpacingFederalandStateLaws , ExcavationinRome , TurnsUpWhatMayBeNero'sTheater , archaeologicaldig , Italy , partlysunny , west-northwestwind
Tags: MaryBethEdelson , Venus , painting , sculpture , plywood , installation , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , earth , diggingtrenches , curvingline , landscape , DiggingOuttheFrontLines , Ukrainewar , Ukrainiansoldiers , Toretsk , Civilianevacuations , steppedupinKharkivregion , relentlessshelling , RegulatorsMoveToProtectFunds , NewBankFailure , SiliconValleyBank , $175billionincustomerdeposits , TreasuryFedandF.D.I.C. , TrytoRelieveFearsTaxpayersWillFootBill , bankcollapse , Silvergate , SignatureBank , couldaffecttechfirms , involvedwithclimateissues , NeutralStatusInTimeofWar , TeststheSwiss , Switzerland , 'Toxic'Professor'sSpeech , TestofTenure , UniversityofPennsylvania , SeeksHearing , InstructorAccusedofRacistRemarks , AmyWax , lawprofessor , MichelleYeoh , AcademyAwards2023 , Oscars , stage , WinningJustAboutEverything , "EverythingEverywhereAllatOnce" , BudgetTalks , BidenRejectsObama'sPath , taxingcorporationsandhighearners , DealonOpioids , $21billionsettlement , pharmaceuticaldistributors , attorneysgeneral , TurmoilEngulfsBBC , SoccerIconMeetsPoliticalDivide , DoubtsonImpartialityAfterSuspension , GaryLineker , cloudyandbreezywithrain
Waldemar Cordeiro, Gente Ampli*2 , Computer output on paper, 134.5 x 72.5 centimeters, 1972, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: WaldemarCordeiro , computeroutputonpaper , photography , abstraction , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , yellow-green , Brazilianflag , architecture , OscarNiemeyer , thousandsofsupporters , Brazil'sformerpresidentJairBolsonaro , EsplanadadosMinistérios , Brasília , InBrazilCapital , AFrenziedMob , StormsCongress , AkinToJan.6Attacks , SupportersofBolsonaro , ClaimVoteRigging , WithoutEvidence , FacingCriticism , PresidentBidenVisitsMexicanBorder , SurgeInImmigration , BidenSetforSummitonCrossingsandTrade , AfterElPasoTrip , U.S.MexicoBorder , G.O.P.Rules , FaceLogjam , FrozenTight , WashingtonDC , SpeakerKevinMcCarthy , negotiatedwithhard-rightrebels , inexchangefortheirsupport , FightingforUkraine , toTakeRevengeonRussia , InspiredbyEnmityfortheKremlin , EthnicGroupsRaiseArms , Kyiv , snowylandscape , Chechenbattalion , trainingwithnewrecruits , whitecamouflage , warmemorial , blackgranite , soldierinuniform , blackandwhitephotography , etchednames , whiteroses , KoreanWarMemorial , RiddledWithErrors , misspellednames , ImperfectRecords , FederalMissteps , KoreanWarProject , BolsteredbyNetanyahuDeals , Ultra-OrthodoxPushAutonomy , Jerusalem , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , rainandsnowearly , somesunshine
Charlotta Östlund, Bouquet , Plant parts, stone, mixed media, 79 x 60 x 60 centimeters, 2016, Finnish National Gallery , Helsinki
Tags: CharlottaÖstlund , mixedmedia , sculpture , flowers , petals , plants , branches , stone , FinnishNationalGallery , Helsinki , Finland , NYTimes , bouquetofflowers , memorial , prayer , kneelingman , messages , bottles , cups , yellowpolicetape , victimsofcrowdsurge , Itaewondistrict , Seoul , Korea , relativesofmissingpeople , weepingatcommunitycenter , 11-foot-widealleyway , deaths , over150peoplesuffocated , DeadlyCrush , LeavesSeoulInMourning , Halloween , BrazilRejectsBolsonaro , BringsBack'Lula' , AfterPrison , StunningRevivalfortheLeftist , cheeringcrowd , Brazilianflag , LuizInácioLuladaSilva , SenateContestsAreTight , In4KeyStates , Polls , FightOvertheWhiteWorkingClass , Pennsylvania , Scranton , ruralareas , smalltowns , DemocratsLeadinArizona , OtherRacesTeeter , midtermelections , StarPower , high-profiledisplay , RepublicanandDemocraticefforts , NewYork , manyracesareclose , GoingModerate , SomeRepublicansmakingheadway , distancingthemselvesfromrightwingoftheirparty , WashingtonDC , YearsofEffortstoVilifyPelosi , PrecededBrutalAttackinHome , SpeakerNancyPelosi , attackonPaulPelosi , ResearchersDefendMeat , WithIndustry'sHelp , ClearCenter , UCDavis , fundingfromindustrydonations , coordinateswithmajorlivestocklobbygroup , messagingcampaigns , somesun , givingwaytoclouds
Wang Jin, Beijing - Kowloon , Chromogenic print, 116.8 x 78.1 centimeters, 1994, Asia Society , New York
Tags: WangJin , performance , chromogenicprint , Beijing , Kowloon , AsiaSociety , NewYork , DeMorgen , Belgium , Chinesevisitors , Communistmonument , Shaanxi , brickredsculpture , CommunistPartysymbol , hammerandsickle , publicart , textetchedonsurface , XiJinping , 20thNationalCongressofChineseCommunistParty , "TheGreatResurrectionoftheChineseNation" , NeleBauwens , portraiture , caberetartist , "Proust'sQuestions" , "Ireallydon'tcareaboutmyage" , Thefreelife , Doesthe'TomatoSoupAction'HarmtheClimateMatter? , protest , "araghadtobewashed" , Whatarewetalkingaboutthen? , SecretaryofStategrabsenergysuppliers , numberofcomplaints , billsfromenergysuppliers , stillrising , statesecretaryofConsumerProtection , EvaDeBleeker , OPENVLD , manybreadboxes , stillemptyatschool , oneinthreechildren , hasnonepoororinsufficientfoodwiththem , 'Forcemajeureisnotallowedtobecomeanexcuse' , 'nottocomplywithadecentservicegrant' , 'solveit' , LuisterenVersusKijken , Footballpodcasts , pushTVprogramsonthedefensive , rainthroughouttheday , cloudyskies
Dirk Skreber, Ohne Titel (Überschwemmung) , Oil and seliotape on canvas, 290 x 170 centimeters, 2000, Städel Museum , Frankfurt, Germany
Tags: DirkSkreber , untitled , oiloncanvas , seliotape , StädelMuseum , painting , Frankfurt , Germany , NYTimes , HurricaneFiona , MakesLandfall , PuertoRico , 1.5millionwithoutpower , couldbringmorethan2feetofrain , submergedlandscape , brownwater , wind , destruction , horizon , trees , stormdamage , grey , lightblue , green , TrollsinRussia , SchemedToDivideWomen'sMarch , FakeAccounts , TargetedFeministMovement , IntensifyDiscordinAmerica , crowds , orangesignage , pinkhats , "TheFutureIsStillFemale" , Women'sMarch , drewfourmillionprotestersin2017 , socialmedia , adoptingpersonas , offictionalAmericans , TheDehumanizingOffense , MassGrave , AnonymousBodiesinUkraine , RecallEvilofPastAtrocities , Izium , AcceptDefeat? , SomeinG.O.P. , RefusetoSay , WashingtonDC , wouldnotcommit , toacceptingthisyear'selectionresults , LayingOutthe6LegalBattles , PuttingTrumpatGrowingRisk , escalatingconflictwithinvestigators , AWelshVillage , EmbracedIts'GuardianAngel' , blackandwhitephotography , QueenElizabethII , visitedfamiliesofvictims , Aberfan , Wales , miningdisaster , 1966 , killed116childrenand28adults , villageofgrayroofs , narrowWelshvalley , quietloss , BusTicketOutofTexas , WasaTickettoStability , UnwelcomeImmigrants , FindWorkinNorth , thousandsofmigrants , mostofthemVenezuelans , coaxedontobusesandplanes , headingtoWashingtonDC , NewYork , Chicago , Martha'sVineyard , tomakeafreshstartintheUnitedStates , partlysunny , verywarm , abithumid , ashower
Edward Hopper, Tennis Players , Opaque watercolor and graphite pencil on board, 37.1 x 25.1 centimeters, 1916-1920, Whitney Museum of American Art , New York
Tags: EdwardHopper , tennisplayers , watercolor , graphite , pencil , portraiture , painting , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , Kharkiv , Ukraine , war , Russianmilitaryretreat , twosoldiers , camouflageuniforms , road , destroyedbyfire , militarytank , rust , detritus , rubble , bluesky , StunnedMoscow , AdmitsToLosingMostOfKharkiv , RetreatDentsImage , MightyPutin , "regroupingoperation" , "StrengthistheonlysourceofPutin'slegitimacy" , AbbasGallyamov , ScotlandTensions , QueenElizabethII , flag-drapedcoffin , crowdspayrespect , hearst , arenewedquestforindependence , royalflags , SomeinFormerColoniesAsk , WhyDoWeEvenNeedaKing? , Honiara , SolomonIslands , Melanesianculture , prioritizelocalknowledge , mixedemotions , often-cruellegacyofBritishEmpire , AQuietDramaticBlow , ChildhoodPoverty , BroadenedSafetyNet , Drives59%DeclineOver30Years , TeenagerRulesTennis , CarlosAlcaraz , wonU.S.Open , gainedNo.1ranking , green , tenniscourt , AtlantaD.A. , TakesOnCrimeandaPresident , LongtimeProsecutor , FaniT.Willis , UnruffledbyCritics , PoorerNations , GetLittleHelpOnMonkeypox , scrambleforvaccinesandtreatments , wealthynationsboughtupavailabledoses , LimaPeru , Dr.AlbertoMendoza , "Ihavenooptions" , WorldHealthOrganization , mostlycloudy , humid , showers , thunderstorms , warmer
Alexander Calder, Cow , Wire, wood, and string, 14.6 x 20.6 x15.2 centimeters, including base, 1926, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: AlexanderCalder , cow , mixedmedia , wire , wood , string , sculpture , MoMA , NewYork , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , Ireland , Eatwell , humanfoods , poisonoustopets , Work-lifebalance , fightforthefour-dayweek , missingasummerWorldCup , Haveyouherdthegoodnews? , AnnaandRoseMurphy , Millstreet , Cork , ClaraAnguslivestock , CorkSummerShow , CorkShowgrounds , Curraheen , returnofshow , firsttimesince2019 , shiftinprofile , sexcrimeoffendersinprisons , youngeroffenders , difficulttoengagewith , sayspsychologists , IrishPrisonService , increasingconvictions , maskmandate , onpublictransport , PaulReid , concernoverCovidtransmission , nursinghomes , HSE , spikeinCovid-19hospitalizations , testpositivityrate , doubled , disbandingofNationalPublicHealthEmergencyTeam , Nphet , leftgapinserviceprovision , 'SuicidepandemicamongTravellers' , Travellercommunity , mentalhealth , Extra24-hourbus service , newroutes , Corkcity , NTA , €600millionplan , BusConnectsCork , busservices , willruninpreviouslyunservedareas , UpperGlanmire , Waterfall , KerryPike , somebrightandsunnyintervals , perhapsfewlightshowers
Shan Goshorn, Red Flag , Basket woven from inkjet prints with acrylic and artificial sinew, 8 x 7 x 7.5 inches, 2015, Whitney Museum of American Art , New York
Tags: ShanGoshorn , RedFlag , sculpture , wovenbasket , inkjetprints , multimedia , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , Friendsconsolingsurvivor , Saturday'sshooting , churchservices , TrueBethelBaptistChurch , Buffalo , mourning , grief , GriefAndRageRockBuffalo , AfterRacismFuelsMassacre , CreepingIntotheMainstream , ATheoryTurnsHateIntoTerror , AToxicBelief , WhiteRaceIsatRisk , DrivesViolence , replacementtheory , BeforeAttack , SolitaryTeenCausedAlarm , NewYorkStatelaw , redflaglaw , VictimsIncludeSecurityGuard , HailedasHero , TopsSupermarket , PatternOfRacism , MastenParkneighborhood , collectiveanguishandanger , longhistoryoftrauma , socialmedia , Platformsfacedquestions , responsibility , allowingviolentandhatefulcontenttoproliferate , FloutingRulesOfCampaigns , InPlainSight , CandidatesSteerPACs , viaLittleRedBoxes , candidatespostinstructionsonpublicpages , candidatewebsites , SuperPACscontinuouslymonitor , TwoCountriesTurntoNATO , InFaceofWar , TheIdeaofNeutralityInEurope , FadesAway , Finland , Sweden , forestlandscape , twomen , burnedtank , Russia'sinvasionofUkraine , endedanera , EuropeanillusionsaboutMoscow , crowds , MelbourneCricketGround , vaccinationcertificates , WhyAustralia'sCovidDeathRate , IsOnlyOne-TenthofU.S.Level , clouds , sunshine , severelate-afternoonthunderstorms
Rexy Tseng, 90X200 , Cloth, metal, wood, bodily fluids, and electronics, 90 x 200 x 60 centimeters, 2019, Arte Laguna Prize , Venice, Italy
Tags: RexyTseng , multimedia , installation , electronics , bed , whitesheet , bodilyfluids , ArteLagunaPrizeVenice , blackandwhitephotography , spenttimeinE.R. , aftersearchedonline , forsuicidemethods , youth , backyard , E.R. , examrooms , strippedoffixtures , topreventharm , ASwampedSystem , SuicidalTeens , KeptforDaysinE.R. , TheInnerPandemic , SanctuariesofLastResort , "psych-safe"room , "allyouseeiswalls." , Rivals , RememberingWorldWarIIVictory , HardenOverUkraine , Co-optingaReveredDay , toPromotetheInvasion , WestMakesShowofResolve , asPutinPoundsEast , WarplaneswillflyoverMoscow , "Z"formation , potentpoliticalstrategy , ShowOfEmpathy , JillBiden , meeting , Ukraine'sfirstlady , OlenaZelenska , nearborderwithSlovakia , NewYork , aFrostySilence , ForAdamsandOcasio-Cortez , fundraiser , Mr.Adamswarnedguestsaboutdangers , ofdemocraticsocialists , IsCourtPoisedToSweepAwayGayMarriage? , Roev.Wade , risk , ifcourtoverruled , SCOTUS , SierraLeone , Incountrieswithlowvaccinations , needforantiviralpillsandtests , urgent , SeekingCovidPills , FearingSameOldOutcome , InPoorNations , LackofDrugsPortendsCrisis , PresidentBiden , internationalCovid-19summit , "globaltesttotreat" , breezy , sunshine , clouds
Andy Warhol, Sarah Bernhardt , Screenprint on paper, 40 x 32 inches, 1980, The Jewish Museum , New York
Tags: AndyWarhol , screenprint , paper , portraiture , PopArt , SarahBernhardt , TheJewishMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , blackandwhitescreen , television , text , FoxNews , televisionpersonality , AmericanNationalist , TuckerCarlson , ReshapedFoxNews , BecameTrump'sHeir , TuckerCarlsonTonight , NancyPelosi , PelosiVisitsKyiv , EchoingU.S.Vow , OfWide'Victory' , SomeCiviliansEvacuate , MariupolSteelPlant , UkraineIsLowonFuel , internationaldiplomacy , PresidentVolodymyrZelensky , "AmericastandswithUkraine" , OneRussianTycoonSpokeUp , RetributionCameaDayLater , OlegY.Tinkov , "afiresale" , XiRemainsSilent , VirusLockdown , GripsShanghaiForWeeks , FlurriesofComplaints , HighlightCracksinZero-CovidPolicy , XiJinping , "dynamiczeroCovid"goal , PandemicHomeMarket , CreatesVastRiches , MoreInequality , $6trillionhousingwealth , CanYouAffordIt? , Homeprices , loanrates , youneedtodothemath , Régine , madeexclusivityanartform , 2013filmfestival , 1929-2022 , CreatorofWorld'sFirstDisco , ReignedOverDazzlingEmpire , RachelleZylberberg , Belgium , openedbasementnightclub , Parisbackstreet , ChezRégine , discothèque , 1970s , $500millionempire , 23clubs , EuropeMiddleEastandtheAmericas , cloudyandcool , coupleofshowers
Tags: MartinWong , closed , metalgates , chainsandpadlocks , buildingexterior , acryliconcanvas , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , firefighters , residentialbuilding , brickfacade , fireengines , ladders , FDNY , Americanflag , firefightersrespondtoblaze , East181stStreet , victimsoneveryfloor , 19-storyapartmentbuilding , Bronx , BlazeDevastatesBronxHigh-Rise , TollIs'Horrific' , ARushtoEscape , asSmokePoursIn , TwinParksNorthWesttower , 19DieinCity'sWorstFireinDecades , malfunctioningspaceheater , Rescuersbattledthicksmoke , tohelpvictimsgetout , Susanville , California , 'NothingWillBetheSame' , PrisonClosureDismaysTown , abouthalfofadultsworkattwostateprisons , CaliforniaCorrectionalCenter , HighDesert , Chicago , InStruggleWithOmicron , OneConstantIsChange , NewWarnings , DismayDisruptandConfuse , Omicronvariant , I.C.U. , WesternReserveHospitalOhio , nurses , PPE , hospitalbed , patient , drive-through , Covidtesting , NewOrleans , backtoschool , LakewoodSchool , students , Dallas , gettingvaccinated , Mississippi , Kyiv , Ukraine , UkraineQuietlyTriesItOwnTalksWithRussia , FeelsSidelined , U.S.andNATOnegotiate , WashingtonDC , QuestionsMount , DeadlyChasesonBorder , U.S.Mexicoborder , WhatMeasures , ShouldBeUsedinPursuits? , caraccident , drivingwithundocumentedimmigrants , ErikA.Molix , U.S.BorderPatrol , partlytomostlycloudy , brisk , colder
Philippe Parreno, Fraught Times, FZRA January 1998 , Cast and painted stainless steel, glass, resin, 270 x 180 x 180 centimeters, 2018, Fondation Beyeler , Basel, Switzerland
Tags: PhilippeParreno , FraughtTimes , caststainlesssteel , glass , resin , FondationBeyeler , Switzerland , NYTimes , glassornaments , Christmastree , LockedDownandFrustrated , Austria , Christmasmarket , Vienna , newwaveofCovidinfections , spreadsinEurope , restrictionssettingoffbacklash , U.S.VirusCasesRisingAgain , AsHolidayNears , FamilyDinnersReturn , VaccinesandTreatments , LessentheRisks , AnxietyLingers , Chicago , virusrepeatedlydefiedpredictions , G.O.P.Donors , FlocktoBack2Democrats , SenatorJoeManchinIII , WestVirginia , SenatorKyrstenSinema , Arizona , WashingtonDC , HowU.S.LostCleanEnergyTreasuretoChina , RaceToTheFuture , SecuringtheWorld'sCobalt , Freeport-McMoRan , Arizona-basedmininggiant , DemocraticRepublicofCongo , essentialrawmaterials , Chinesepurchasedmine , TenkeFungurume , IsraeliAttacks , SpurUpgradeOfIranSites , HopesDim , forRevivalof'15NuclearDeal , landscape , greenery , trees , sunlight , rocks , moss , ToekTik , temple , PrasatThomcomplex , helpfindevidenceofartifacts , hehadlooted , Ex-PlundererHelpsCambodia , ReclaimItsCulturalRelics , Exonerations , LiftOneBurden , ForanAssassinofMalcolmX , MujahidAbdulHalim , NewYork , abitofmorningrain , someclearinglate , turningwindy
Tags: MaryBeams , animation , 16millimeterfilm , whalesongs , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , ocean , clouds , bluewater , whalesharks , maninboat , 'TheyWillLeaveifWeDon'tFeedThem' , Conservationistsdecry , hand-feedingofwhalesharks , tourist-relianttown , Philippines , AFalteringShadowWar , AgainstSomaliMilitants , LongAfter'BlackHawkDown'Disaster , U.S.BattlesOffshootofAlQaeda , landscape , Mogadishuruin , Somalia'scivilwarin1990s , destroyedbuilding , Amazon , FlawedSystemLedtoLostPay , Amazonshortchangingnewparents , patientswithmedicalcrises , vulnerableworkersonleave , GreatFalls , Montana , FalsehoodsMeddle , HumbleBidtoHonorPast , SowingDoubt , DerailCivicPlan , toSpurMontanaTourism , mountainlandscape , SquareButte , FirstPeoplesBuffaloJumpStatePark , nationallandmark , SeaIsland , Georgia , RussiaRestartsCyberoperation , DespiteRebuke , S.V.R. , WhiteHouseblamedforSolarWindshacking , TheyGaveUpAJob , toAvoidCovidVaccines , sizablecontingentacrosstheUnitedStates , resistancetothevaccines , givenupcareers , Boston , TheNationalPastime'sChallenge , ProveItsTimeHasn'tPassed , YoungBlackFans , KeytoBaseball'sGrowth , sunny , thencloudy , warmer , rainlate
Nadia Kaabi-Linke, Flying Carpets , Stainless steel and rubber, 420 x 1300 x 340 centimeters, 2011, Guggenheim Museum , New York
Tags: NadiaKaabi-Linke , flyingcarpets , sculpture , installationart , stainlesssteel , rubber , lightandshadow , GuggenheimMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , industriallandscape , multicoloredcontainers , geometricshapes , 80000containers , stacks , PortofSavannah , Georgia , 50%morethanusual , PileupatPort , BecomingAQuagmire , turmoilinshippingindustry , crisisinsupplychains , BattleOver2Bills , StakesHighestforPlanet , MeasuresContain , MostSignificantClimateActionbyU.S. , WashingtonDC , PresidentBiden , "Thenationandtheworldareinperil" , LawlessnessInsideRikers , LetsInmatesFlexPower , AbsentandAbusiveGuards , WorseningDysfunctionatDecrepitJail , Correction , bushijacked , chaos , detainees , holdcontrolofpartsofNewYorkjailcomplex , CitiesReverseOnPoliceCuts , CrimeRises , Dallas , protest , "Defund!Reclaim!Reinvest!" , incitiesacrossAmerica , policedepartmentsaregettingtheirmoneyback , AfterNoteonRacism , SchoolDistrict'Imploded' , Centreville , Maryland , AndreaKane , embrace , flowers , lastdayassuperintendent , QueenAnne'sCounty , inemail , sheofferedparentsa"realitycheck" , afterGeorgeFloyd'sdeathin2020 , "Racismisaliveinourcountry" , yearlongfirestorm , CO2machine , measurespoorventilation , concernedparents , coronavirus , schools , IntoBackpack , PenTextbooksCO2Monitor , cloudy , partlyclear , breezy
Michel Nedjar, Untitled , Acrylic, oil pastel, and wax on brown paper bag, 12 x 8 inches, 1988, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: MichelNedjar , painting , portraiture , acrylic , oilpastel , wax , brownpaperbag , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , body , clothing , baseballcap , blanket , textiles , Mexico , 100000DisappearedPeople , acrossthecountry'sdeserts , mothershuntformissingchildren , NewYorkTimesphotographer , FredRamos , documentedtheirsearch , clothingfoundwithunidentifiedbodies , humanremains , identifyingthedead , longandarduousprocess , AlaskaDoctors , ForcedToPickWhoIsTreated , Overwhelmed , WorstU.S.CovidOutbreak , ProvidenceAlaskaMedicalCenter , Anchorage , ChiefJusticeJohnG.RobertsJr. , nolongertheswingvote , AbortionLeadsChargedDocket , CourtReturn , ChallengeForRoberts , JusticesDefendRecord , PollsShowDeclineinPublicSupport , WashingtonDC , Roev.Wade , SupremeCourt , increasinglyassociatedwithpartisanship , StudiesonUseOfPoliceHoldsAreChallenged , Face-DownRestraints , IgnoredinAutopsies , Greensboro , Maryland , AntonBlack , unarmedpeople , whodieafterbeingrestrained , Germany'sParliament , Isn'tJustNew , It'sYoung , AGenerationalShift , LedbyTwoParties , NowKingmakers , theGreens , theFreeDemocrats , HungaryRunsVastCampaign , ForU.S.Sway , governmentsaroundtheworld , seektoshapepoliciesanddebatesinWashington , foreigninfluenceinU.S.politics , aerialphotography , blueice , spotlight , whitelight , SpelunkingforClimateHints , Scientistsexploringicycaves , studyrelationshipwithglacialmelting , VietnameseAmericansMobilize , ToAidtheNewestWarRefugees , Afghans , mostlycloudy , rain , thunderstorms
Nari Ward, Vertical Hold , Yarn and bottles, 271.8 x 76.2 centimeters, 1996, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: NariWard , verticalhold , yarn , bottles , mixedmedia , installation , sculpture , suspension , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , destroyedbyfire , storageroom , DarioSattui , winery , Calistoga , California , winebottles , rubble , burnedinterior , brown , black , "Wecan'tkeepgoinglikethis" , FireDroughtandHeat , ScorchtheLand , RedsandWhites , PuttingSunscreenonGrapes , DesperateNapaValley , St.Helena , wildfire , climatechange , vineyards , StruggletoProsecuteRapeEndures , Despite#MeToo , ChallengingCasesDroppedinManhattan , D.A.Faulted , DismissiveCulture , CammyDuong , "Ifeltlikenobodybelievedme" , TelAviv , Israel , SpywareReport , BringsScrutinyToIsraeliFirm , NSOGroup , Pegasus , surveillanceapplication , targetjournalists , dissidents , oppositionpoliticians , makeshifthospital , bluecurtains , ThePandemicHasANewEpicenter , Indonesia , suffering , deathssoaring , hospitalsoverwhelmed , oxygenrunningout , SoutheastAsia , ThrivingorNot , BlackColleges , SeizeMoment , donations , hirings , governmentmoney , chiefofstaff , RonKlain , portrait , reinstoWestWing , AfterDecades , It'sKlain'sTurnAsChiefofStaff , viewedasessentialconductor , administrationbusiness , surrogateforpresident , Seoul , FreeSpeech , PuttotheTest , inSouthKorea , APlantoCriminalize , ConspiracyPeddling , "GwangjuDemocratizationMovement" , conspiracytheories , spreadingquicklyinSouthKorea , politicaldivide , amplifiedonline , PresidentMoonJae-in , governingparty , rolledoutlegislation , stampingoutfalsenarratives , partlycloudy , seasonable , moderatehumidity
Romy Achituv, Camille Utterback, Text Rain , Interactive digital installation: computer and video camera, Edition: 3/3, Dimensions variable, 1999, Fundación la Caixa , Barcelona, Spain. Note: Video edit is hyperlinked via artwork title.
Tags: RomyAchituv , CamilleUtterback , TextRain , interactivedigitalinstallation , computer , videocamera , performance , language , videoprojection , FundaciónlaCaixa , Barcelona , Spain , NYTimes , EricAdams , front-runner , visitedBrooklynchurch , shakinghands , MayaWiley , hula-hooping , festivalinBrooklyn , KathrynGarcia , takingyogabreak , TimesSquare , AndrewYang , greetingvoters , cheering , festivalintheBronx , PilesofMoney , PavingthePath , ToaMayoralty , Billionaires , BuoyNewYork'sModerates , superPACspending , exceeded$24million , NewYork , TrailsRestOfTheU.S. , InVirusRebound , EconomicScarsLinger , BusinessesChallenged , DearthofCommutersandVisitors , changingpatternsofworkandtravel , 10.9%unemploymentrateinMay , Bishops'VoteAgainstBiden , RevealsReach , RomanCatholicChurch , WashingtonDC , guidelinesforEucharist , advancingconservativepush , todenyPresidentBidencommunion , overhissupportforabortionrights , WarBlotsOut , NobelHaloofEthiopia'sPremier , LeaderFacesVote , AmidFamineandClaimsofAtrocities , AddisAbaba , Ethiopia , PrimeMinisterAbiyAhmed , awardedNobelPeacePrize , TheWest , eagerforglitteringsuccessstoryinAfrica , desertlandscape , drywallstuds , JuanGutierrez , struggleswithArizonaheat , constructionsites , ForBuilders , HotPhoenixMarket , FeelsLike115degrees , HousingCrunch , KeepsCrewsToilinginSun , subdivision , DesertOasis , "Yourskinfallsoff" , "youhavetocoverupeverything" , undocumentedworkers , OnceRoyalty , RepresentativeLizCheney , G.O.P.'sLonelyWarrior , RepublicanofWyoming , "Thisisaboutbeingabletotellyourkids" , "thatyoustoodupanddidtherightthing" , warm , humid , partlycloudy , muggy
Dan Peterman, Civilian Defense (sandbag) , Installation of 1000 + sandbags made with diverse upholstery fabrics, 9 cubic meters of desert sand, 2007, Sharjah Art Foundation , Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Tags: DanPeterman , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , sandbags , upholsteryfabric , desertsand , mountains , militaryhumvee , weapons , soldiers , lookoutpoint , Afghansecurityforces , outpostinKandahar , Panjwaidistrict , Taliban , overtakenmuchofthearea , TalibanCircleAfghanCities , ProvokingU.S. , BrazenTactics , ImperilTroopWithdrawal , AFalseConfession , CastsDoubt , onBronxCases , NewYork , ProsecutorScrutinizesDetectives'Tactics , 31Homicides , HuweBurton , exonerated , InnocenceProject , nonprofit , investigateswrongfulconvictions , WashingtonDC , secondimpeachmenttrial , Trial'sSpectacleOver , BidenSetsAgendaInMotion , CovidAidIsPriority , VowtoWorkAcrossAisle , MayFalter , AsHeGutsTrump'sPolicies , PresidentBiden , sittingportrait , Whitehouse , PresidentBiden'splans , arebroadlypopular , Dareby7RepublicanSenators , VotingGuilty , TakingtheHits , SenatorBillCassidy , Louisiana , votedtoconvictTrump , FresnoOffersLessontoU.S. , OnWageIssue , ElsaRodriguezKillion , owner , CasaCoronarestaurant , minimumwage , $14.00 , California , JoyReliefandBunco , InsideaNursingHome , AftertheVaccine , socialdistancing , wheelchairs , Residents , GoodShepherdNursingHome , residentshavebeguntore-emerge , Wheeling , WestVirginia , SharjahArtFoundation , UnitedArabEmirates , NYTimes , iceearly , rain , drizzlelate